
The Body Wrap - Vibration Therapy - Facials

Experience Incredible Results

At Suddenly Slender You, serving St. Augustine, FL and beyond, we administer mineral-based contouring body wraps; beauty treatments, as well as wellness coaching. Our personalized services include our world-renowned outstanding guaranteed inch-loss producing body wraps, facials of a different nature, vibration therapy, as well as foot chelation, a treatment that removes build up of impurities that reduce and harm the our bodies. Our services help you live a healthier, happier life.

Body Wrap Treatments

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Who Benefits?

See who benefits from the incredible results of THE Wrap THAT Works!

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People Love Us

Two speech bubbles with a heart in the middle.

After having only four wraps, I feel as good and as ambitious as I did in Junior High School. Because of this totally positive experience, I am requesting the License rights to open a Suddenly Slender center in Scottsdale, Arizona and another in Paradise Valley, Arizona."

R. F. S.

Two speech bubbles with a heart in the middle.

"Pat and I just wanted to thank you for the experience of the body wrap. I was amazed to have lost almost 21 inches in just three wraps. The most significant loss was in my face and I have not gained it back. I was really happy about the loss in my waist and my legs and the "lift" on my buttocks..."

B. B.

Two speech bubbles with a heart in the middle.

"I didn't particularly enjoy my first wrap, but then I was convinced to try it again from a different provider and owner who had bought the business because of her results. Boy, am I glad I did. My results were astounding which ultimately resulted in me buying the business. From a size 16 to an 8 with the then called Summer Sizzler package, now known as the meltdown program. See my story with pics."

Teresa Leonard

Two speech bubbles with a heart in the middle.

"When I first discovered The Body Wrap about 3 years ago, I had lost some weight - from 200 lbs. down to 179. Also, over this period my weight was down to 130 lbs. and never during the weight loss did my skin appear baggy or loose. I was very pleased with the smooth, toned appearance of my skin. I am very pleased with the results I have experienced and look forward to my wraps."

M. L.

Body Wrap Treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

See some common questions and answers below, or call us at (904) 821-9727

  • Can you tell me more about body wrap treatments?

You may be asking how our body wrap treatments work. Although the solution formula in our body wrap treatments is secret we can tell you that it is composed entirely of food-grade inorganic minerals and distilled water, all of which may be taken internally.

It is not a sauna or heat treatment. Although during the body wrap treatment the wraps are applied warm, your body will feel cool. For your comfort, a poncho is put on you to help you retain your own body heat.

What do we mean by "total inch loss"? Before we wrap you, measurements are taken of various parts of the body (hips, calves, waist, midriff, abdomen, upper arms, etc.) and recorded on your own personal record chart with notes as to where you want to lose inches or contour. After the body wrap treatment , you are re-measured and the difference in your measurements is added to determine "total inch loss." The Body Wrap™ was designed to take off inches rather than pounds. If you lose any weight, it's a bonus.

Even if your problem is elsewhere, we can do a great deal for those problems because the body wrap treatment helps to bring the body into the correct proportion. Many women with heavy hips, thighs, and legs (and men with heavy midsections) are water retainers. The wrap itself may assist with this problem but we can also provide you with good, general, non-medical things to do at home on a day-to-day basis. We help you understand the causes of water retention so YOU can control it.

You will feel VERY good after a body wrap treatment. Most clients tell us it leaves them feeling relaxed, energized, clean, and very tight.

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