Revitalight treatments use infrared technology. This technology stimulates the collagen within the facial region. Smoothing the skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. We also offer acne treatments through this same process utilizing blue lighting. Sessions are typically 20 minutes, working up to 40 minutes for the serious, conscientious person wanting to look and feel younger longer.
Mini facial treatments consist of a three-step process utilizing an all-natural peel, then an all-natural mask, then our own Face Lift In a Minute formula is applied. Sessions are typically about 40 to 45 minutes for the more youthful skin and 45 to 50 minutes for the more damaged skin.
It's a simple, non-invasive procedure where strips of surgical tape, which are slightly elastic and highly porous permit the special mineral solution to be absorbed through the skin. Placed strategically on the face to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, as well as to lift the eyebrow, jawline, and accent the cheekbones.
As a first step, we observe carefully the face and notice any obvious areas needing help. Our all-natural peel is applied to the entire face. The natural peel is composed of food-grade ingredients that work easily into the skin. It takes about 10 minutes to dry. Once dry, you will clean your face by gently rubbing the skin so the dead skin rolls off, then rinse with warm water.
The second step is the application of our all-natural facial mask. This mask is applied all over yet some areas of deep lines and wrinkles will receive an additional mask, The mask helps to tighten and minimize lines and wrinkles. It too takes about 10 minutes to dry. Once dry, you will clean your face by rinsing in warm water and pat dry.
After the face has received steps one and two, you will lye comfortably with face up. This allows the facial tissue to relax, smoothing out naturally from simple gravitational pull. Highly porous tape is then used to lift any sagging tissue into its proper place.
The cheeks, brows, jaw, and areas around the eyes where wrinkles or sagging occur are adjusted and taped. Once the taping is complete, the face is wrapped with our bandages that have soaked in our special mineral solution.
Mineral-soaked pads are placed over the eyes (which help with dark circles). The eye pads also help to normalize the skin by reducing any bags or puffiness around the eyes. With the eyes still covered, one quietly relaxes for 20 minutes. The pads and bandages are replaced with new ones which remain in place for an additional 20 minutes to allow the fresh solution to work its magic.
Following this period, the pads, bandages, and tape are removed. A final wrap of bandages, eye pads, and the mineral solution is applied at this time. After an additional 20 minutes, then bandages and tape are then removed. Once removed, several of our skin tightening products are applied. Our products assist in reversing the signs of aging, stimulate collagen development, improve skin tone and elasticity, provide UV protection, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles while moisturizing and helping the skin.
Startling visual improvements will be observable at this point as well as your facial tissue feeling silky soft.
Facial treatments require approximately 30 minutes to 2.5 hours of your time. The results are astounding. Depending on age and the condition of facial tissue, depends on what facial treatment is recommended.
Treatments are performed while lying on a soft treatment bed with soft music in the background, providing a relaxing atmosphere. Whether you choose a single treament or multiple treatments, all of our facial treatments provide results that are evident with each treatment.
By appointment only, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Late appointments with 2 weeks advanced scheduling.
Arlington Expy Service Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32211, United States of America
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